오르는 추세를 말하는 표현
"We’re not necessarily seeing a dramatic surge after Christmas and the New Year, but there is a bit of an upswing in our cases.
- surge : a sudden and great increase, move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward.
EX) There has been a surge in house prices recently. - upswing: an increase in the amount or level of something, or an improvement in a situation
EX) Mental health startups and apps on the upswing.
떨어지는 추세를 말하는 표현
Korea's daily coronavirus cases fell below 300 on Monday, marking the lowest number since last November. 국내 코로나 바이러스 일일 확진자가 어제 300명 이하로 떨어졌습니다. 작년 11월 이후 가장 낮은 수치입니다.
Korea's daily new coronavirus cases rose by the smallest number in nearly two months on Monday, but health authorities remain vigilant over potential upticks. 어제, 국내 코로나 확진자 수가 거의 두 달 만에 최저 증가를 기록했지만, 보건당국은 잠재적인 감염 증가에 대한 경계를 늦추지 않고 있습니다.
- uptick : a small increase (약간의 증가)
- vigilant : keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
China’s economy grew 2.3% in 2020 as a recovery from the coronavirus pandemic accelerated while other countries struggled with disease flare-ups. 여러 국가들이 코로나 대유행으로 경기 침체를 겪는 가운데, 중국은 경기 회복에 속도를 내면서 작년 한해, 2.3% 성장한 것으로 알려졌습니다.
A year after Wuhan, China locks down another city of 11 million people to contain a coronavirus flare-up.
- flare-ups : a situation in which something such as violence, pain or anger suddenly starts or gets much worse (갑작스런 발발)
EX) New infections up over 500 on flare-up in religious community infections - Protestand [|prɑːtɪstənt] evangelical [ˌiːvænˈdʒelɪkl] Christian groups 신교도 전파 집단 (비
더 오래 가다.
The trend will outlast the pandemic.
It leads us to our next question that because there have been so many complaints and concerns and confusions over what exactly is the proper social distancing protocol and are these things done through epidemiological research and there are actual scientific reasons to have it, for example, something has to be shut down at 9pm because there's a magical border that if you hope to pass 9pm, the spread is much more severe.
epidemiological [/ˌepəˌdēmēəˈläjəkəl/ 유행병의