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DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 10 lightbulb moment a moment of sudden inspiration, revelation, or recognition. EX) “The lightbulb moment was when my friends were looking to break their lease and the real estate agency said ‘find someone,’ so I thought what better way than to create a social platform.” 2020. 5. 24.
job에 관해서 I'd still consider myself a junior, but I've got a reasonable portfolio of existing websites I built in my last job. Mostly small businesses, but some of them have some pretty decent cash flow going through their sites. In terms of knowledge, these certs aren't walks-in-the-park, that's why they're valuable on a CV, but if they're in a field that you're already knowledgeable about, then just get.. 2018. 5. 11.
친구들과 대화하면서 배운 표현. 친구들과 대화하면서 배웠던 문장. May you have a smooth day ahead! heyyy you should train yourself to be a father for two babiesHaha. There is no official training. All learn on the job as it comes Continue tmw cos everyone else is alseep their marriage was arranged by your grandparents Indeed. U make the choices u must be wholly responsible for it Hmm but well think again. If not for your grandparents arrange.. 2018. 3. 29.
매력있는 남자들이 진짜로 우리가 생각하는 것 만큼 꼬심을 당하나? 그럼 어떻게 대응하나? Do attractive men get hit on as much as we think they do? How do you react to compliments? I've had a couple of friends of mine be completely dumbfounded at how just how oblivious to these things that I am. I mean I notice sometimes when a woman is flirting with me, but most of the time, I figure they're just enjoying our conversation, pool game, whatever, and not sending signals that I should b.. 2018. 3. 5.