pole vault+ make up ground 장대높이뛰기를 해서 + 따라잡다
- pole valut : an athletic event in which competitors attempt to vault over a high bar with the end of an extremely long flexible pole held in the hands and used to give extra spring.
- make up ground : get closer to someoen ahead in a race or competition
balk (US) baulk(UK) at something 꺼리다 = unwilling
- baulk : hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking
EX) If you are a cynic, you may initially baulk at the idea.
EX) Construction Workers Balk at Being Kept on the Job (on the job :근무 중인)
“I’m essential to the pocketbooks of rich contractors and essential for spreading the virus, but that’s about it.”
Quotation of the Day: Construction Workers Balk at Being Kept on the Job
Quotation of the Day for Thursday, March 26, 2020.