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DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 18

by Olivia Ha 2020. 11. 29.

- Share far and wide /Spread th word!


- weigh in 관여하다

to join in a disussion, an argument 
ex) Imagine a friend coming to you with a problem they are spinning over. It's relatively easy for us to weigh in objectively in that situation without getting sucked in emotionally. 


- token attempt  시늉뿐인 시도.

- Fall flat 완전히 실패하다. 농담,이벤트 같은 것이 아무런 호응을 못얻다. - 의도한 인기나 호응을 얻는데 실패하는 것
(fail completely to produce the intended or expected effect)
- back fire 역효과 : have the opposite effect to what was intended. 

Developers tend to be discerning(안목이 있는, 불분명한 것을 파악하는, 통찰력있는) bunch. Any token attempts at developer community engagement intended to benefit solely the company will likley fall flat, if not back fire.