Consider the most rewarding points in a typical journey for your users. What emotional payoffs already exist in an average session? Does your site offer answers to difficult questions? Does your app make a time-consuming process more convenient? Does your company offer a service that is substantially more affordable than its competitors? Identify the moments when your product is most helpful, valuable, or entertaining and design to make those moments even better
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떠나지말라고 구걸하는 듯한 메시지는 고객에게 짜증만 유발할 뿐.
TurboTax의 경우 힘들고 지겨운 과정을 달성한 후의 화면에서 그 성취에 대한 기쁨을 극대화하는 화면으로 셋팅함.
마지막 단계를 특히 강조하면서 고객여정에서 가장 중요하고 임팩트 있는 순간에 대한 설계에 초점을.
Our minds are efficient and economical with how they store information. We remember our past in snapshots that focus on points of intensity and on the last impression of an event. Designing with attention to detail around the important moments of the customer journey, with particular emphasis on the last step, allows you to build digital products that are worth remembering.