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by Olivia Ha 2018. 5. 20.

#penny for your thoughts  무슨 생각해? 

Used to inquire into the thoughts and feelings of another, especially when the person appears pensive(생각에 잠긴) or conflicted.(갈등하는)

I'll give you a penny if you tell me what you are thinking.

#At a drop of a hat 즉각/주저하지 않고

An idiom meaning to happen quickly, easily.

EX) The film switches from jokes about the X-Men franchise to mournful contemplations on suicide and grief at the drop of a hat.


# best thing since sliced bread = pretty great

# out of whack = not working

EX) If your spine is out of whack, chances are your health is too

#push the envelope 한계를 초월하다

EX) The effect was of a woman who knows her own mind and body; who understands just how far she can push the envelope.

#don't give up the day job (실패할 것 같은 다른 새로운 일에 나서지 말고) 본업[하던 일]에 충실하라

used as a humorous way of recommending someone not to pursue something at which they are unlikely to be successful.

#once in a blue moon 드문 일

what's going on? you wash the dishes once in a blue moon.but now you did in three days in a row!

#raise/lower the bar 기대치를 높이다/낮추다

lower (or raise) the standards which need to be met in order to qualify for something.

# drop the ball (책임지고 있는 일을) 실수로 망치다

EX) Apple drops the ball again.


코멘트 중 하나. 

I could never convince iPhone users why Android is better, but this gives me a lot more leverage.


In any sizeable work environment 어떤 사이즈의 직장이든지, you will find cliques[kli:k] (파벌), and some mesh better with management than others,” he said. “If you want to eventually move up in the ranks with your new employer, you’ll need to associate with the right crowd.”

# off the top of your head 생각나는대로 

I can't remember the name of the restaurant off the top of my head, but I will find out and let you know later.지금 그 이름 생각은 안나는데, 찾아서 알려줄게.

# 돈은 빠져나갔는데, 아직 처리가 안돼고 있어.

The money is withdrawn from my bank account, but the transaction is pending yet.

feel out of place 그 자리에 어울리지 않는 위화감을 느끼다; 어떤 장소에 속해 있지 않은 것처럼 느끼다

not in the proper position; disarranged.

I feel out of place at the party. 나는 그 파티에서 잘 못어울렸어. 내가 있을 곳이 아니라는 느낌이 들었어.

you determine the dress code in advance so that you don’t look out of place on your first day.
I never saw her with a hair out of place. 머리카락 한 올도 흐트러진 거 못봤어,