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DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 17 - crisp set A conventional set for which an element is either a member of the set or not ex) Some of these seem like shortcomings of existing tooling rather than customer problems per se. It would be good to include a crisp set of high level user stories of the form "As a [CUSTOMER] I would like to [something] so that I can [something]”. -lead gen Very much a lead gen tool for marketing; not a s.. 2020. 11. 25.
DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 16 - In the interim You should be cured of your cold within fourteen days, but take these pills in the interim to help with your symptoms. - at best/ at worst taking the most/least hopeful or positive view If we don't try to have demand gen, we will have 30 attendees at best. - average out 평균을 내다 The cost should average out at about 5 Euro per person. 비용은 일인당 5유로 정도가 될 것이다. Sometimes I pay, sometim.. 2020. 11. 21.
DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 15 - Rope in ~하도록 설득시키다. 꾀다 to persuade somebody to join in an activity or to help to do something, even when they do not want to. Are there any other female developers that we managed to rope in for the meetup? - lapse 소멸되다. I stopped using the membereship pass few months back in prep for this, so I’ll let it lapse at the end of this month. - Thus far 여태까지 I've shared out the meet-up invite to the.. 2020. 11. 20.
DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 14 - conduct a pilot - pass uptake/ usage - rope in Is there anyone we could rope in here to help on the localization side? -fall through the cracks to not to be notice or dealt with I am so sorry ! I was supposed to follow up on this but it totally fell through the cracks:). I can confirm the room will be configured for a panel discussion with seats at the front. Please head to the Meetup location.. 2020. 11. 16.