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20120810 10 smart things I've learned from ppl who never went to college On the nose 정확히 this one is a little bit on the nose Reciprocity 호혜 is the name of the relationship game and always will be. The most ingenious design plans, no matter how many brains contributed to them, can fatally불운하게도 falter불안정해지다,흔들리다 in the execution phase if quality slips. From an early age my perspective was steeped in wisdom from those who never went to college, but managed to live fulf.. 2012. 8. 10.
직업정신 Most people approach their work in one of three ways: as a job, a career, or a calling.If you see your work as a job, you do it only for the money, you look at the clock frequently while dreaming about the weekend ahead, and you probably pursue hobbies, which satisfy your effectance needs more thoroughly than does your work.If you see your work as a career, you have larger goals of advancement, .. 2012. 7. 30.
2012 05 24 영어 The country’s main newspapers recently carried the news of a tornado-shaped cloud on the front page. 이 나라의 주요 신문들은 최근 토네이도 모양의 구름 관련 뉴스를 1면에 실었다. There are those among them who think themselves to be very smart.그들 중에 자기가 대단히 똑똑하다고 생각하는 사람들이 있다. 2012. 5. 24.
한뼘씩 자라기 20120501cliffhanger ending 손에 땀을 쥐게 하는 엔딩! soldier on 곤란에 지지 않고 버티어 나가다. 꾹참다 20120504선진국 정부 재정 상황과는 거의 정반대 이미지다. 선진국 재정의 경우 수입이 저에되거나 감소하는 동안 비용은 급증했다. That is almost the mirror image of what has happened to the government balance sheet in the developed world, which have increase costs dramatically with stagnant썩어서 흐르지 않는 or decreased revenue. 2012. 5. 4.