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피자 주문하기

by Olivia Ha 2018. 2. 23.

I'd like to place an order for a carryout.
테이크아웃용으로 주문 좀 하려고 하는데요.

so Total comes to $9.72.

총 가격이 9.72달러입니다. 

Just slide away and sign that dotted line and that should be it.

(slide away, swipe)  to formally agree by signing

그냥 긁고 사인하면 됩니다.

Can I still claim rewards(points)? 

리워드 받을 수 있나요?

you can, as long as its over ten bucks. you wanna get another..?

됩니다. 10달러 이상 사시면요. 다른 거 뭐 사실래요?

No its fine There's nothing else I want.

아 아니요 괜찮아요. 더 사고 싶은 건 없어요

ahh I might grab drinks. you guys have drinks?

See what I've got there. I'm really low. We got hit really hard so...

            There is a low quantity/variety.       so busy

Oh okay. 

Whatever we've got that works for ya. 
(= choose whatever you want as long as we have it)

I'm gonna void your last payment and go ahead and recharge you,

            cancel, invalidaye

Do you need my card again?

yeah We're just gonna do the same process. Bear with me. 
                                                           =be patient with me