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[Adam에게 보내는 Briefing] 5 Feb

by Olivia Ha 2021. 2. 7.
영국에 있는 친구 Adam에게 월~금동안 매일 우리나라 혹은 흥미를 느낀 세계 이슈를 녹음해서 보내고 있습니다. 여러 미디어 및 뉴스의 내용에서 스크립트를 작성합니다.

1. The judge was impeaached for the first time in Korean modern history

Lim is accused of meddling in politically controversial trials in 2015 and 2016, such as a libel [ˈlaɪbl] 명예훼손 suit filed by the government against a Japanese journalist who questioned ex-President Park's whereabouts when the Sewol ferry sank in April 2014.
This was the first time a sitting judge has been impeached in Korea’s modern history. and the bill will now be reviewed by the Constitutional Court for a final decision. 

There were two motions in 1985 and 2009 to impeach incumbent judges, but neither earned enough votes to be approved. “We have to carry out the constitutional responsibility of the National Assembly that has been pushed back in the past for political reasons,” Rep. Lee Tahney, who is himself a former judge, said ahead of voting the impeachment motion.

임성근 wanted to resign and he's actually his term is coming to an end. Very soon anyway because judges are appointed for a 10 year term. he will be gone from the court. So the question is how much of a real impact is this impeachment process going to have, but to, as you say, give some more background about this. There has been ongoing trials with judges being put on the stand, you know judges being accused of abuse of their office, and the corruption are stemming all from the days of the ParkgeunHye administration

he is currently a senior judge in the Busan. Superior Court and previously he was actually the senior judge in the criminal division in Seoul. And when he was in charge, back in, of the Criminal Division. Back in 2015. There was a case that was brought against the editor of Sankei Shimbun the Japanese newspaper. The editor, Mr Kato fatsia, and he had written a quite a speculative somewhat gossipy even some might argue a salacious piece about these missing seven hours of former president back and, you know, on the day when they were very capsized, she, you know, couldn't be contacted What was she doing. I mean, we now know that she was probably either napping in the Blue House or you know later getting her hair done etc the article was published and he was sued  for defamation. And the case came to the Criminal Division because the suit was a criminal suit rather than a civil one. And in a song called the judge who was in charge of that particular case, the judge called 이동근. He's actually left the court, his term came to an end. 28th of January last month. He asked 이동근 in charge of the defamation lawsuit to,  draft his judgement in a certain way. And that is such a clear breach of not just you know, the ethics of the judiciary but the fundamental important independence of the judge.
He wanted to make it clear in the judgement, that what was written in the article was completely false. In order to make sure that the Blue House was happy with the judgement. 



2. World's first face and hands transplant gives New Jersey man a second chance at life

In July 2018, Dimeo, 20 at the time, fell asleep at the wheel of his car on Route 22 in New Jersey. He lost control, and the car hit the curb, flipping over before bursting into flames.

A passerby pulled him out of the car before it exploded, but Dimeo still suffered third-degree burns over nearly 80% of his body. The damage was so severe that, though Dimeo survived, he lost eyelids, ears and much of his fingers. He also had severe scarring on his face and neck that limited his range of motion. Doctors announced that, following 23 grueling hours of surgery, the now-22-year-old Dimeo gained a second chance at life. 