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DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 11 휴가 관련 용어들 PTO day EX) Hello team, Taking a PTO day to complete a house move😊 “PTO is any time an employee is being paid while away from work and not working. It’s basically any paid leave. PTO is broader than vacation.” Examples of non-vacation PTO include pregnancy leave, disability leave, jury duty, holiday pay, or sick leave. Time off in lieu (also known unfortunately as TOIL) paid time off i.. 2020. 6. 11.
DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 09 - boil the ocean - fine-tuning - long-range 장기적인 - look far into the future 먼 일을 생각하다. - inaugural run - dry run - eyeball and guess - the plan didn't come off - housekeeping matters 2020. 4. 23.
DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 08 Max out the capacity 한계에 도달하다 to reach a point at which no more improvement, profit, or benefit can occur Allow for something ~감안하더라도 to consider something EX) your community commitment this year don't meet the bar of this award even allowing for the current situation. 2020. 3. 25.
DevRel 업무하다 배운 영어 07 - Grassroots community 풀뿌리 커뮤니티 - Viewership 시청자 EX) Several communities hosted in-person watch parties to keep the viewership at high level. To drive viewership, I’ve found it helpful to partner with other communities to share your online event once you go live. - Give the team full visibility into what's next - From conceptualization to execution 컨셉부터 실행까지 2020. 3. 20.