언어공부/ENG156 DevRel업무하다 배운 영어 01 * DevRel 업무를 하다 배우는 영어들을 기록합니다. (가끔 관계없는 표현이 섞일 수도 있음) spearhead 진두지휘하다, 앞장서다. To lead or be the front of, or voice of the community, taking it to new places and owning the leadership. 리더십을 가지고 어떤 노력을 앞장서거나 커뮤니티를 리드하다는 의미로 쓰일 수 있으며, 명사로도 쓸 수 있습니다. EX) I spearheaded the opensource community here in the Philippines -- we have grown from less than 10 members to now almost a 100 in less than 6 month.. 2020. 3. 4. glam up, chronicle, playout, budding relationship We’re used to seeing Singaporean songstress and Generation T 2018 honouree Tabitha Nauser all glammed up in her music videos, but this year, the pop and R&B diva revealed a vulnerable side to herself with single Don’t Let Me Drown, a song that chronicles her own relationship struggles. We saw it play out in Netflix’s reality series Singapore Social, where Tabitha found closure with her former bo.. 2020. 1. 8. [Netflix] Explained_diamonds - mark of the adulthood. 성인의 상징 rapper started name-dropping their favorite jeweler. The 4Cs are the four most important characteristics of a diamond. They represent cut, color, clarity and carat weight which is the size of your diamond. A diamond should be cut not too flat, not too deep. It should be either colorless or a bright color, but not in between. It should be clear,free of the inclusio.. 2020. 1. 4. 20190605 From here on out 앞으로는 =from this time forward ex) From here on out, I would be appreciated if you didn't assume or worry about things that I don't mention. 앞으로 내가 말하지 않은 일에 대해 추측하거나 걱정하지 않았으면 좋겠어요. rail 짜증나게하다. ex) Shouldn't you know what it's about before getting riled up? 무슨 얘기지 알고 난 담에 짜증내야하는거 아니야? 2019. 6. 5. 이전 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ··· 39 다음