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20180413 mesh with to fit with somethingCurrently, your proposed project doesn't mesh at all well with our long-range planning.Luc Donckerwolke wants each model to have its own personality, rather than making everything mesh with a central design. Mellow with age their aggressiveness, their sarcasm, and their short temper have given way to a more easygoing, genial 상냥한 manner. People Really Do Mellow with.. 2018. 4. 13.
영단어 alarm clock 알람 시계 bathroom scales 몸무게 저울 Blu-ray player 블루레이 재생기 CD player CD플레이어 DVD player DVD플레이어 electric fire 전기 난로 games console 게임 조종기 gas fire 가스 난로 hoover 또는 vacuum cleaner 진공 청소기 iron 다리미 lamp 등, 램프 radiator 방열기 radio 라디오 record player 레코드 플레이어 spin dryer 건조기 stereo 스테레오 telephone 전화기 TV (television 간략형) 텔레비전 washing machine 세탁기 면직물 bath 목욕 bin 쓰레기통 broom 빗자루 bucket 바스켓 coat hanger 코트 .. 2018. 4. 12.
180412 idioms # round offto end or complete something in an acceptable way~를 잘 마무리짓다.반올림하다 # a pang ofa sudden feeling of mental or emotional distress or longing EX) A: Flight to London is like 50-80€ return. How do you miss home?B: She said she lives here now. She probably has a job and other commitments that make it difficult and expensive to just fly home every time she feels a pang of homesickness.A : I'm.. 2018. 4. 12.
180410 #go poof disappearEven the best-laid plans of your life go poof in your face. #best laid plan when something ends poorly or differently than expected, despite preparations for success. It is an abbreviated version of the full proverb "the best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray." A: "I've been working on this project for six months, and now, right before it's due, they tell me they want so.. 2018. 4. 11.