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넷플릭스 보면서 배운 문장 film set촬영현장very abusive physically verballyHe was out of picture before I could talkthe violence going on was normal 계속되는 폭력은 일상이었죠. since my mother was having a kid at a young age , people were teliing her, her life and her son's life isn't gonna be shit. I can remember my entire youth, my mom banging in my head that I had to be a success at sth I used it as a tool, it made me strive to do bet.. 2018. 3. 30.
SUITS S7E1 03 # bite someone's head off.to speak to someone angrily when there is no reason to:used referring to an angry person overreacting to a trifling(trivial사소한) matter, specifically to something that someone has said or done. Rachel: I'm saying that I think I should take over the associates until he's able to get his emotions under control.Dona: Rachel, taking the associates away isn't exactly gonna st.. 2018. 3. 27.
SUITS S7E1 02 #Get a feel for somethingHarvey: Did you sleep in here? Mike: Just getting a feeling for my new office너 여기서 잤어?그냥 새 사무실 좀 만끽하려고요. to begin to understand how to do something wellex) exercises that give a child a feel for numbersex) Playing the game itself is lots of fun, once you get a feel for the actual shot settings. #hard pass Gretchen,: Louis, you need to take yourself some time off. when is.. 2018. 3. 26.
SUITS S7E1 #To put your money where your mouth isMonday morning, you better start putting your money where your mouth is and find us another $50,000 case.월요일 아침에 50,000달러 케이스를 찾아서 니가 한 말이 사실임을 보여주는 게 좋을거야.to prove the truth of one's words by actions or other evidence; demonstrate one's sincerity or integrity: EX) Instead of bragging about your beautiful house, put your money where your mouth is and invite .. 2018. 3. 22.