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남녀 역할 분담에 대한 영어

by Olivia Ha 2018. 3. 9.

1. How is household chores being divided between the husband and wife? 

Ans: they are divided equally/the man will do the more tedious ones while the wife does the easier ones/the wife does the dishes while the man do the rest.

2. When it comes to taking care of the children, whom takes on more work? 

Ans: the man will do most of the carrying and the mother feeds the child/

the father will bathe the child while the mother will be responsible to put the baby to bed.

3. Are man and woman doing equal amount of work both at home and at the office? 

Ans: Yes nowadays both men and women share almost equally/

man tend to help out more during weekends as compared to weekdays/at work 

women now are also being given important jobs as compared to the past.