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by Olivia Ha 2018. 3. 12.

의견 주셔서 감사해요.
Thank you for your opinion = Thank you for your input=remark.

pencil someone in

make a provisional arrangement with or for someone.

I'll pencil you in

This is what a person says when he is making a tentative appointment. 

When somebody wants to schedule something with you, but you don't want to use a pen to finalize it in your calendar because that person is a loser. If something better comes along -- you can erase it.

EX) I'm kinda busy this week. Tell you what, I'll pencil you in for 4:30 on Thursday.


A term that is used to represent someone being greedy.

EX) He's hogging the bathroom": spending too much time maybe doing his hair; meanwhile nobody else can use the bathroom

In computer programming you generally avoid reading the whole file at a time, instead reading and handling the data (say) line by line. Otherwise, you've just eaten up a huge chunk of memory that is no longer available for other programs to use.

I've looked high and low. 사방을 찾아봤어

Where's the last time you saw them? 마지막으로 어디서 봤어?

New or used?

Used. I can't afford to buy a new car right now.

How much can you spend?

I can go up to $5000.

You should be able to find a good car for that amount(그 돈이면).

Would you ask around and see if anyone you know has a car they want to sell? ~하는 사람이 있는지 주위에 좀 물어봐 줄 수 있어요?

Sure, I’ll be on the look out for a car for you.

look out for sth for someone ~를 위해 ~를 찾는 중이다.