“Together we’re better” isn’t a ground-breaking(innovative; pioneering.) hypothesis, but it’s something I’d hoped to test during our Hack Day.
It’s hard to say scientifically that one Hack Day can prove a team of people are better than a group of individuals, but I think it’s something we all intrinsically (in an essential or natural way).understand. There’s a sense of gravity between people, intuitively making groups and order out of chaos. This Hack Day was no different.
과학적으로 해커톤이 한 팀이 개개인들의 집합보다 낫다고 말하긴 어렵겠지만 내 생각엔 이건 자연스럽게 알게 되는 것인 것 같다. 카오스안에서도 어떤 집합을 만들고 규칙을 만드는 중력같은 게 사람들 사이에는 있다.