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by Olivia Ha 2018. 3. 26.

#Get a feel for something

Harvey: Did you sleep in here? 
Mike: Just getting a feeling for my new office

너 여기서 잤어?

그냥 새 사무실 좀 만끽하려고요.

to begin to understand how to do something well

ex) exercises that give a child a feel for numbers

ex) Playing the game itself is lots of fun, once you get a feel for the actual shot settings.

#hard pass

Gretchen,: Louis, you need to take yourself some time off. when is your last time you had a vacation?
Louis : Nine years ago July. Goddamn travel agent sold me a package to club med Bangladesh, so, hard pass.

Not interested; absolutely not

절대 NO야. 
ex) If my ex is going to be at this party, hard pass. Have fun without me.

#get the best of you (get the better/best of sb)

Louis, I'm just worried that if you sit around and stew, this breakup's gonna get the best of you.
이 이별때문에 주저 앉아서 마음 졸이면서 니가 무너질까봐 걱정돼서 그래.
to defeat somebody


재밌는 표현. stew가 오래 끓인 수프 같은 거니까 stew가 동사로는 마음 졸이면서 오래 생각하는 그런 의미가 있음.

자동사라서 stew about/ stew over 처럼 전치사 붙여야.

ex) I've been stewing over the problem for a while.

#the benefit of the doubt 

Rachael: Good morning, Gretchen. Have you seen Louis? I'm worried about how he's doing after last night.

Gretchen: I was concerned about him as you were. so I tried to get him to take a vacation. He said he'd rather focus on raising those associates.

Rachael: Focus on them or take it out on them? 화풀이

Gretchen : Knowing him, probably 50/50,
                but the man turned down a trip to the finest mud resorts in the world, so I decided to give him
the benefit of the doubt.

to default to the belief that their intentions are honest, and not assume malice when there is uncertainty or doubt surrounding the circumstances.
When giving someone the benefit of the doubt, you are believing what they say and taking their word because you, yourself, have some doubt about what happened.


#Because I'd hate to think I mustered the courage to do this, 용기를 내서 이걸 했는데

and then once you get on that elevator, it's out of your mind. 

#I believe she considers London her place of habitat.

그녀는 살 곳으로 런던을 고려했을 거야.

#shit the bed : make mistakes

#Cling to it as if you wrote it yourself 니가 쓴 것처럼 될때까지 손에서 놓치마.


contemptible(비열한) and inept( Lacking or showing a lack of skill or competence 부적당한) person