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The one page project manager for IT projects Clark A.Campbell

by Olivia Ha 2019. 9. 4.


1. Tasks: The How- Tasks are the center of a project and need to be complete to accomplish the objectives.

They are the nuts and bolts of a project, the specifics of what needs to be done- the work.

2. Objectives : The what and why-Objectives are the vision, the where-you-are-going of a project.

Objectives can be general or specific- the scope.

3. Time line : The When - The time line measures when things are supposed to be done and when they are actually done. Time lines can be elastic. If a project is expanded, for example, the time line(and the budget) will probably have to be expanded.

4. Cost : The how much- Project expenses can have hard costs, like consulting and machinery, or soft costs, as with internal staff deployed on the project. Cost accounting can be complex, and every project needs input from accounting professionals.

5. Owners : The who- Taks owners are the "Who" This is vital. The OPPM makes clear to management who owns what tasks. Clear ownership makes obvious who deserves commendations for jobs well done and who needs to be assisted.