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by Olivia Ha 2018. 3. 22.

#To put your money where your mouth is

Monday morning, you better start putting your money where your mouth is and find us another $50,000 case.

월요일 아침에 50,000달러 케이스를 찾아서 니가 한 말이 사실임을 보여주는 게 좋을거야.

to prove the truth of one's words by actions or other evidence; 

demonstrate one's sincerity or integrity: 

EX) Instead of bragging about your beautiful house, put your money where your mouth is and invite us over to see it.

#hard feelings

One dinner, and if this chemistry you so clearly think exists doesn't, then we part as friends, no hard feelings.

저녁 한 번이에요. 그리고 잘 안돼도, 친구로 남아요 감정상하지 않고.

어순이 왜 이모양.... 

#No harm, No foul

If it doesn't work out, no harm, no foul.

우리가 잘 안돼도 딱히 잘못될 건 없지.

Although technically a breach(위반) of some code or law may have occurred, there was no actual damage meriting punishment, apology or retribution. 
*retribution: the punishment inflicted(caused to be suffered) on someone as vengeance(복수) for a wrong or criminal act.

EX) He parked in my space, but I was away at the time: no harm, no foul.

#Take point on

I need you to take point on a consumer fraud hearing for Sandra.

Sandra가 맡은 고객사기건을 좀 맡아줬으면 해.

to assume leadership on a task, usually said by the leader of the previous task.

# Water under the bridge

I know things got heated between us the other night, but as far as I'm concerned, it's water under the bridge.

지난 밤에 우리 사이가 조금 격해졌지만, 나로서는 다 지난 일이야.

what happened in the past should be forgotten

get heated는 get intense 정도로 이해. 

as far as I'm concerned는 in my opinion, in my point of view, 내 생각은, 나로서는, 내 입장에서는 등으로 생각하면 됨.

# Leave sb/sth high and dry

Because I've decided to go back to Pearson specter litt, and I gave you my word that I wouldn't leave you high and dry.

Pearson specter litt으로 돌아가기로 결정했고 당신을 무일푼으로 남겨둔 채 모른척 하지 않겠다고 약속을 했으니까요. 

they are left without any help or without the things that they need