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오늘 배운 영어 24 - Corona 관련 (to be updated) 오르는 추세를 말하는 표현 "We’re not necessarily seeing a dramatic surge after Christmas and the New Year, but there is a bit of an upswing in our cases. surge : a sudden and great increase, move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward. EX) There has been a surge in house prices recently. upswing: an increase in the amount or level of something, or an improvement in a situation EX) Mental health startups.. 2021. 1. 28.
오늘 배운 영어 28 parlay A into something : (돈·기술 등을 잘) 활용하다 a fashion and beauty influencer. She originally won China’s Super Idol reality TV contest and parlayed that into a streaming career doing more than $200 million in sales / month. in the run-up to ~를 앞두고 what is thought to be ~로 여겨진다 2021. 1. 26.
오늘 배운 영어 27 The price cap on(~에 대한 한도) agro-fishery 농수산물 product gifts for 설날, or Lunar New Year that public servants are allowed to receive / will be temporarily increased from the current 100,000 won to 200,000 won. The price ceiling was originally set to eradicate(완전히 제거하다) corruption, but state council decided to increase the ceiling in order to promote consumption of local agricultural products and sup.. 2021. 1. 20.
Dry eye syndrome 안구건조증 When your eyes feel like they are not producin enough moisture, you may have dry eye syndrome. Symptoms can include a stinging or scratchy sensation in your eyes, a feeling that something is caught in your eye, sensitivity to light or eye redness. 만일 당신이 50살 이상이라면, 시력의 빠른 감퇴와 함께 (along with +n) 눈이 더 거슬리고(침침하고) 마른 것을 느낄 거예요. If you are over 50, along with your vision becoming increasingly worse, .. 2021. 1. 18.