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[Adam 에게 보내는 briefing] Jan 29 Police, taxi drivers join forces to find missing people [1] South Korea’s taxi drivers and the police are joining forces to find missing people, the National Police Agency said Thursday. In the event of a missing person’s report, depending on the details and circumstances of the case, the police will first determine whether to dispatch a message to KaKao Mobility, the operator of Korea’s biggest.. 2021. 1. 29.
[ADAM에게 보내는 briefing] Jan 28 The world has now surpassed 100 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus. 전 세계 코로나 바이러스 확진자 수가 1억 명을 넘어섰습니다. Target has joined several other retailers in dropping a Thailand-based company’s coconut products following allegations that its farms use monkey labor. 미국의 대형마트 타겟이 태국에서 제조된 코코넛 제품판매를 중단했습니다. 제품 생산 농장에서 원숭이의 강제 노동이 있다는 주장이 제기됐기 때문입니다. The authorities have demanded that people visiting .. 2021. 1. 29.
오늘 배운 영어 29 - bogged down : unable to make progress EX) the market is where you find your people, but the niche is the part of the industry that is just you. It's only you in there. Now, you might get bogged down in this idea of, "I'm not really that original," EX) Sick staff, technical delays bog down vaccine 'super site' - grueling [ɡrú:əliŋ] 녹초로 만드는 The authorities have demanded that people visiting rura.. 2021. 1. 29.
[ADAM에게 보내는 briefing] Jan 27 S.Korea has reported another new 437 infections of the coronavirus as officials raised alarm over an outbreak at a missionary training school. S.KOREA throughout the pandemic has repeatedly seen huge infection clusters emerge from religious groups, including more than 5,000 infections tied to the secretive Shincheonji Church of Jesus that drove a major outbreak in the southeastern region in spri.. 2021. 1. 28.