다이앤달링619 오늘 배운 영어 27 The price cap on(~에 대한 한도) agro-fishery 농수산물 product gifts for 설날, or Lunar New Year that public servants are allowed to receive / will be temporarily increased from the current 100,000 won to 200,000 won. The price ceiling was originally set to eradicate(완전히 제거하다) corruption, but state council decided to increase the ceiling in order to promote consumption of local agricultural products and sup.. 2021. 1. 20. Dry eye syndrome 안구건조증 When your eyes feel like they are not producin enough moisture, you may have dry eye syndrome. Symptoms can include a stinging or scratchy sensation in your eyes, a feeling that something is caught in your eye, sensitivity to light or eye redness. 만일 당신이 50살 이상이라면, 시력의 빠른 감퇴와 함께 (along with +n) 눈이 더 거슬리고(침침하고) 마른 것을 느낄 거예요. If you are over 50, along with your vision becoming increasingly worse, .. 2021. 1. 18. 오늘 배운 영어 26 - take flak for~ [flæk] ~때문에 비난을 받다. ex) Now I know that he's taken some flak lately,but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than The Donald. Obama makes jokes about Trump at media dinner President Barack Obama told jokes at the expense of US real estate mogul Donald Trump on Saturday night, mocking his possible presidential ambitions in remarks at t.. 2021. 1. 18. 오늘 배운 영어 25 pole vault+ make up ground 장대높이뛰기를 해서 + 따라잡다 pole valut : an athletic event in which competitors attempt to vault over a high bar with the end of an extremely long flexible pole held in the hands and used to give extra spring. make up ground : get closer to someoen ahead in a race or competition balk (US) baulk(UK) at something 꺼리다 = unwilling baulk : hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea o.. 2021. 1. 16. 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 155 다음