다이앤달링619 CSS_display 속성 설명 잘 되어 있는 블로그 http://aboooks.tistory.com/85 2018. 8. 1. 0610 pass up, to the bitter end, drag your feet, pull out all the stops Pass up the opportunity 기회를 그냥 제끼다. 지나치다to not take advantage of an opportunity EX) I've never passed up a chance to eat at 00restaurant and I've never been disappointed. I can't believe you passed up the opportunity to work there. To the bitter end 끝장을 볼 때까지continuing until the end of a particular situation or period of time, even though it is difficult or unpleasant Drag your feet 늑장을 부리다to do.. 2018. 6. 10. alienate/estrange/ostracize We shouldn’t alienate the defectors. *alienate : 멀어지게하다 소외감을 느끼게하다 Ex) Alice was determined to alienate him from his two boys. (Be determined to -하기로 결심하다) Upbrining plays an important part in determining 결정적인 a person’s character. *ostracize : 배척하다 왕따시키다 to exclude a person from society or from a community, by not communicating with them or by refusing to acknowledge their presence;to refuse to.. 2018. 6. 10. 20180605 sweep off one's feet 마음을 사로잡다 Lots of women out there want a “perfect gentleman” to sweep them off their feet. On the surface, I definitely understand how a guy who pulls out chairs and buys bouquets of roses “just because” would be appealing, but this is why I’d rather have a man who isn’t a picture-perfect boyfriend: put it on the back burner 나중에 이야기하자. to not deal with something now, but inte.. 2018. 6. 6. 이전 1 ··· 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ··· 155 다음