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SUITS S7E1 #To put your money where your mouth isMonday morning, you better start putting your money where your mouth is and find us another $50,000 case.월요일 아침에 50,000달러 케이스를 찾아서 니가 한 말이 사실임을 보여주는 게 좋을거야.to prove the truth of one's words by actions or other evidence; demonstrate one's sincerity or integrity: EX) Instead of bragging about your beautiful house, put your money where your mouth is and invite .. 2018. 3. 22.
MEDIUM “Together we’re better” isn’t a ground-breaking(innovative; pioneering.) hypothesis, but it’s something I’d hoped to test during our Hack Day. It’s hard to say scientifically that one Hack Day can prove a team of people are better than a group of individuals, but I think it’s something we all intrinsically (in an essential or natural way).understand. There’s a sense of gravity between people, in.. 2018. 3. 21.
- 컴퓨터가 먹통이 되다. 렉걸리다./ off the hook - 컴퓨터가 먹통이 되다. 렉걸리다.Computers crash and freeze.출처 ㅣ https://www.howtogeek.com/222730/how-to-find-out-why-your-windows-pc-crashed-or-froze/ - 앱이나 서비스가 버그가 많고 형편없을 때buggy or glitchy참고:http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/343785380903209233/ gnarly끝내주는,something extreme. can be used in a good way or bad way. ex) Did you see that new version of the song? It is gnarly. off the hook1. awe.. 2018. 3. 19.
how I met your mother S5E6 There's a glass of water in my bedroom that's vibrating like Jurassic Park. 내 방에 물이 한 잔 있는데 쥬라기 공원에서처럼 흔들린다니까 ---------Barney: Just listen to what I witnessed yesterday.내가 어제 본 걸 한 번 들어봐 Lilly : Baby,you mind washing that? 자기야, 그거 설거지 해줄래? Barney : She makes him wash his dishes right away Ted.I give 'em two, maybe three weeks tops. 최고로 adv. 마샬이 즉각 설거지 하게 만들었다니깐 2주,길어봐야 3주 갈거다 Barney,that's not a.. 2018. 3. 17.