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[CSS] 0312 배운것 DOCTYPE html> My Blog November 23 2015 This Is My First Article Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola strip steak landjaeger, biltong spare ribs rump cow ground round andouillesirloin pork. Short ribs pig prosciutto swine. Flank turducken turkey rump, leberkas shoulder bresaola ham hocktail drumstick corned beef. Venison pork chop beef jowl short ribs. Bresaola short ribs pastrami, beef ribs spare rib.. 2018. 3. 12.
0312 의견 주셔서 감사해요. Thank you for your opinion = Thank you for your input=remark. pencil someone inmake a provisional arrangement with or for someone. I'll pencil you inThis is what a person says when he is making a tentative appointment. When somebody wants to schedule something with you, but you don't want to use a pen to finalize it in your calendar because that person is a loser. If something bette.. 2018. 3. 12.